We believe that an interdisciplinary educational approach will provide students with opportunities to understand science interfacing multiple disciplines and develop interdisciplinary skills to address fundamental questions. The goal of our education and outreach program is to contribute to a research-supported model for the partnerships between Georgia Institute of Technology and school systems in Georgia and promote academic achievement in the areas of physics, chemistry, and engineering, ultimately strengthening the transformative science pipeline of the next generation of researchers. We have been implementing a summer internship program for local high schools by collaborating with the Westminster Schools, as well as the partner public schools of GoSTEM program at Georgia Institute of Technology. Each student has been paired with 3~4 graduate students in my group to understand interdisciplinary concepts and watch them conducting relating experiments. This collaboration has been very successful and will be extended with more undergraduate and graduate students from multidisciplinary areas including mechanical/electrical/chemical/biomedical engineering, material science, physics, and chemistry.

Hyun Jin Na (Summer 2018)
Chaehyun Ryu (Summer 2018)
Justin Na (Summer 2017)

Chelsea Chen (Fall 2015)